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Past exhibitions and displays

You can find details of our previous exhibitions below. If you would like to see any of the books or items featured, or have ideas for future exhibitions, please get in touch with us via email or in person in the Library.

Mary Somerville through portraiture // November 2023
College history through its departments // September to October 2023
John Stuart Mill Library Open Day // 11 May 2023
Demeter: a masque // April 2023
World Book Day // 2nd March 2023
Amelia B. Edwards (1831-1892) // May 2022

LGBTQ+ History Month // Feb. 2022
Sonia Anderson and Paul Rycaut // Nov. 2021
Black History Month // Oct. 2021
Gwendolen Carter // April 2020
Somerville and early women’s science education // March 2020
Trowelblazers // Nov. 2019
Somerville 140 // Oct. 2019
Somerville and the Booker Prize // Nov. 2018
Dante and Somerville // Feb. 2018
National Poetry Day // Oct. 2016
Overlooked Novels // May 2014
List of past exhibitions

This list is by no means exhaustive of all of the exhibitions and events that Somerville Library has displayed or hosted over the years, and more will be added as time and staff capacity allow.