Past exhibition
Loggia Exhibition November 2021
Sonia Anderson (History, 1962) and Sir Paul Rycaut (1629-1700)
Somerville receives a number of (often large) gifts and bequests each year and the library has recently taken custody of a collection of ca. 100 volumes by and about Sir Paul Rycaut and associates, from the estate of Sonia Anderson.
Our book of the month display is on a rare first edition of Rycaut’s work The present state of the Ottoman Empire (1667), and Sue, the Assistant Librarian discusses him and this particular book in more depth there (please drop by to see the display, and/or check out the Book of the Term pages).
Sonia Anderson (1944-2020) read History as an undergraduate at Somerville, followed by a B.Litt., the research for which proved to be of such interest and value that it was extended from 2 to 3 years, as then Principal Janet Vaughan pointed out in her letter to the funding committee (below)
Sonia’s own bound copy of the resultant thesis is on display, alongside the library copy of the book that would come from it, An English consul in Turkey: Paul Rycaut at Smyrna, 1667-1678
Having gained a Shaw Lefevre exhibition and M.V. Clarke Graduate Scholarship whilst studying at Somerville, Sonia continued research and editorial work upon completion of her B.Litt., working first for the Society of Antiquaries of London and then for the Historical Manuscripts Commission: two of her edited works produced whilst working for the HMC appear in the display, as do other offprints of works from various publications, mostly on 17th century diplomats and near eastern history; she also contributed several entries to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, including those on Rycaut and his father.
Sonia’s continued interest in Near Eastern and diplomatic history is evidenced by her wonderful antiquarian library on the subjects, and contains many editions of the works of Rycaut, in several languages (his Lives of the Popes, an Italian translation of his first work The present state of the Ottoman Empire and French translation of The history of the Turkish Empire are on display).
In addition to her work at the HMC, Sonia worked as 11 year as reviews editor for the Journal for the Society of Archivists, leaving a letter for her successor upon her retirement, which was published in the JSA, and is full of sage advice, her usual meticulousness, and the odd anecdote (see the extract here on whether or not editors should cut ruthlessly!)
Sonia remained close to her Somervillian friends and was warmly remembered at last year’s commemoration service. She maintained a connection with the college throughout her life and generously bequeathed us this extensive collection of books.